Zhan, Huixin, PhD

Huixin Zhan, PhD

Huixin Zhan, PhD

Postdoctoral Scientist

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, USA

I am currently a Postdoctoral Scientist in the Division of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, working with Prof. Zijun Frank Zhang. Previously, I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Department of Computer Science at Texas Tech University, where I am fortunately advised by Prof. Victor Sheng. I obtained my MS degree from the University of Texas at San Antonio.

I have a strong interest in and actively contribute to various research areas. These include end-to-end learning of complex modular information processing assemblies, meta-learning (or learning to learn), attention mechanisms, deep generative models, convolutional architectures, natural language processing (with a particular focus on word embeddings, summarization, and language models), graph neural networks, security & privacy, as well as their diverse applications in fields such as text mining, biomedicine, healthcare systems, and gene prediction.


  1. arXiv
    Efficient and Scalable Fine-Tune of Language Models for Genome Understanding
    Zhan, Huixin, Wu, Ying Nian, and Zhang, Zijun
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.08075 2024
  2. NeurIPS
    Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tune on Open Pre-trained Transformers for Genomic Sequence
    In NeurIPS 2023 Generative AI and Biology (GenBio) Workshop 2023
  3. MLCB
    ProPath: Disease-Specific Protein Language Model for Variant Pathogenicity
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.03429 2023