Zhang, Zijun Frank, PhD

I am a faculty member in the Division of AI in Medicine, Department of Medicine, and the Department of Computational Biomedicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.
I enjoy exploring the uncharted areas with talented next generations of scientists. Technically, I am a methodology person - I like to build things, and computer programming has been my favorite “artisans workshop”. Leveraging the computational power of artificial intelligence, we are lucky to live and witness a new era where computations and biotechnologies are growing exponentially, and the opportunities of actionable clinical predictions and precision biomedicine are at the dawn of computation-driven scientific discoveries.
Previously, I am a Flatiron Research fellow with Dr. Olga Troyanskaya at Princeton University/Simons Foundation. I obtained my Ph.D. in Bioinformatics with Dr. Yi Xing at UCLA, with research focus on elucidating the regulatory basis of human transcriptomes. While at UCLA, I also pursued a Master’s degree in Statistics with Dr. Ying Nian Wu , studying automated machine learning and deep learning methods. During my undergrad at Zhejiang University, I worked with Dr. Ming Chen for three years to study the metabolic networks using computational and systems biology approaches.