Honig, Edouardo

Edouardo Honig

Edouardo Honig

Visiting Graduate Student

Department of Statistics, UCLA. Los Angeles, USA.

I am a PhD Candidate in the Department of Statistics at University of California, Los Angeles, advised by Prof. Ying Nian Wu. My main research interest is modeling and sampling from data distributions, specifically generative modeling and representation learning. I am currently working with Prof. Zijun Zhang on modeling gene expression as part of a system to develop meaningful clinical recommendations, which aligns with my ultimate goal of helping people using downstream applications of deep learning models.


  1. NeurIPS
    Automated distillation of genomic equations governing single cell gene expression
    Honig, Edouardo, Ruf-Zamojski, Frederique, Sealfon, Stuart, Wu, Ying Nian, and Zhang, Zijun Frank
    In NeurIPS 2023 AI for Science Workshop 2023